Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve Brothers

A Guitar for Christmas

This is Evan's reaction when he realized that Santa did bring him a guitar!Or as he calls it an "electric" guitar

Monday, December 28, 2009

Drum Set

For Christmas Evan consistently asked for a drum set, an electric guitar, and a monster truck. Here he is opening his box with clues that a drum set was waiting for him in the basement.

Noah's Poppin' Ball Machine

Christmas Eve

We had a super busy, but fun Christmas eve. Started it out with Christmas with my dad and sister, then we went to church, then to my Aunt Cheryl's, and then to Matt's house. We were on a pretty tight schedule but we did it all and the boys were still in bed by...well I guess it was 10:30 by the time it was all said and done.

Long lost cousins...Curt and Evan.

Bonding time
: )

Merry Christmas

We had the most perfect Christmas Day! It started with Noah waking up at 7, and Evan sleeping in until 9:30!! Bill and I pretty much finished a pot of coffee by the time we started opening presents. We spent the majority of the day at home enjoying our loot and each other. Then we headed over to The GG's for some more Christmas love. Evan and Noah were spoiled rotten...good thing they are both such good boys!! Oh yeah, and Evan wants to know..."when is Santa coming back?"
BTW...the pictures are all out of order, like usual : ( Sweet Noah waiting for his brother to wake from his slumber
Our lovely Christmas tree

Evan opening the box he had been waiting for...a drum set. 2 videos to follow

Look at that face...pure thrill!

This was Noah's big present. He's still not sure about it. Be sure to watch his video.

My boys!

Future Rock Star.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

"I'm Stuck"

Ice Skating at Lock 3

Over the weekend we took Evan ice skating in Akron. He did great! I was surprised at how comfortable he seemed. He can't wait to go back.

Ice Skating Video

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Camera!

We finally got a new camera!! Here are a few test shots.


This past week we went to Magnolia with the MOMS Club and handed out Christmas cards to the residents. Evan was the oldest kid there and he did such a great job spreading Christmas joy. He said "Merry Christmas" and handed each person a card. All the other moms were very impressed by his kindness, and I felt so proud. Not to mention both boys looked pretty darn cute! : )

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

GQ Boy

Noah's Crawl

Christmas Tree...

The plan for this year was to get a pre-cut, smallish Christmas tree. The reality...A 12 foot tree that we cut down!
Oh my!!
Evan had fun decorating the tree. This is the first year that he showed any interest beyond 30 seconds, whoo hooo!! I had visions of, one year, me sitting back relaxing while the boys do all the work : )

However, this was not the year for my relaxing! As you can see, Noah had other plans while we were decorating the tree.

Ta da!!!

Noah is 6 Months!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Evan's Christmas Program

Evan had his first "Christmas Program" at school on Sunday. His class was the first to perform and they sang 2 songs, "The ABC's and Does The Baby Need a Blanket". Evan did a great job singing loud enough so the people in the back could hear, it was one of the things they worked on. He did get a bit silly towards the end and started doing his best Kiss impressions.
Merry Christmas!!
Nana & Noah

At the end all the classes came together to sing a few songs.


Bill's brother and his family were in Ohio for Thanksgiving and we had so much fun!! Evan loved having his cousins in town and they all got along swimmingly! Wish they lived closer... Love you guys! Liam (Evan's twin), Noah, Bridget, Evan and Kim.