We just got back from a great spring break trip to Fort Myers Beach Florida. Bill's mom goes down every year and this year we were lucky enough to join her for 5 warm and mostly sunny days. Bill's brother, Mark, and his wife and 3 kids from Montana were also there. His other brother, Tom, along with his wife Georgia, and 1 of theirs sons Jared were there as well. We had great weather and we took advantage of it by going to the beach or the pool every!
Thank you Joanne for a great vacation!!
Behind Joanne's condo is a nice nature walk. Evan had fun throwing rocks into the water.

Evan loved the beach!! The water was much too cold for me, but he and Bill went in a few times.

An Evan Sandwich. These are 2 of his 3 cousins from Montana...Liam on top and Bridget on bottom.
This was Evan's bedroom while we were there. It is actually the closet in Joanne's bedroom. Evan and Bridget slept in here most of the time while Liam and his youngest sister, Kim, slept with Grandma Crowley in her bed! What a deal for us parents!

Evan helping to dig a hole so they could bury Liam. 
Evan didn't so much like this idea, as soon as I took the picture he was ready to get out!
Uncle Tom, Grandma Crowley, and Evan
This is the beach at Lover's Key. Bill and I went there briefly on Valentine's Day eve. I have never seen so many shells at one beach, it was really amazing!
Evan is a fish!! He loved loved loved swimming in the pool.
Aunt Jenny bought the kids ice cream on the beach!
This is Kimberly, so sweet!! This is a 4 year olds dream come true!

1 comment:
That was such a great trip & it was super duper to hang out with you all! We had so much fun. We really miss the sun & beach, and you all, of course! The kids really had some laughs looking at the photos. Thanks for sharing! The other Jennifer Crowley...in MT
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