My mom, Jamie, and I hiked Dog Mountain on Thursday. As you can see on the sign it was 3.8 miles UP and 3.8 down. And by UP I mean UP, about 2800 feet. We rocked it...did the whole thing in about 4 hours. I made the mistake of wearing a pair of shoes that I hadn't tried on in several months, so after about 20 minutes into the hike I had a blister. The only thing to do was to take my heel out of my shoe and keep hiking. I made it to the top, and back down, with 1 and 1/2 shoes! We had a fun day and we were only sore for 3 days after : )

Jamie and my mom at about half way

Wind Mountain

This is part of the trail, looks like a jungle

Still going....

Yeah...we made it! My mom got a text message at the top.
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